The Lean Green Pura Vida Machine

When we call Costa Rica a green country, we really mean it...

When we call Costa Rica a green country, we really mean it. Did you know that over 98% of its energy comes from renewable sources?

These sources include geothermal energy, biomass, solar power, wind power, and the vast majority comes from hydroelectricity!

While Ticos (Costa Ricans) inherently carry a deep passion for preserving and protecting their beautiful country, there are other very important factors that give Costa Rica quite an advantage in its ability to rely on renewable energy.

So grab your boots and hats while we dig deeper into this Lean Green Pura Vida Machine!

The Lean Green Pura Vida Machine

If our entire planet decided to switch entirely to renewable energy (FINGERS CROSSED!!), the most important factor in determining the process for each country is largely based on the geographical makeup and natural elements available. Is the area close to tectonic plate boundaries or high volcanic activity for Geothermal Power? Does the geography produce high forces of wind for Wind Power?

With all energy sources considered, the geographical makeup of Costa Rica certainly gives it an advantage over others, with a high concentration per capita of rivers, dams, and volcanoes.

But wait, it doesn’t stop there!

Did you know that Costa Rica is the fourth highest nation in terms of rainfall per capita? It receives an average of 2,926mm of precipitation per year—that’s well over 100 inches! Some mountainous regions can get up to 25 FEET per year!

The Lean Green Pura Vida Machine

Another, rather peaceful, factor that sets Costa Rica ahead of most is its absence of a military. In 1948, the government made the decision to eliminate the military, which in return freed up millions of dollars from the government defense budget which are now invested in renewable energy generation. That’s right, their green AND peaceful!

Being that Costa Rica is a smaller country, consisting of five million or so people with no major industry, it makes for less pressure on the process. There isn’t as much of a need for strong energy infrastructure, unlike larger countries of higher population densities and consequences that come along with it.

Costa Rica is determined to become carbon-neutral by 2021. How impressive is that? We could all learn a thing or two from it’s determination and dedication to preserving our planet, and THAT in and of itself deserves a big round of applause!

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